If there are no noisy aircraft taking off or landing, and what are the chances of that happening at an airport, right?
So, back to this hotel. There restaurant is not open tonight, and so we have to walk over to the terminal to get something to eat there. I am already looking forward to that trip I can tell you. My room is more barrack-like than I care to admit. It does come with a flatscreen TV, which a quick flick through the channels showed the Danish royal family on four of the nine choices. Just like being home, really. Seems like the royals were on a boat and not one of them had insulted someone from an ethnic minority; they really must try harder.

So, after this fine hotel and breakfast, which means the kitchens will be open at that point, I have a flight with Ryanair to look forward to. It can't be any worse than Easyjet, can it?
I awoke this morning to the sight of thick fog, which was just like Holland last week. I loaded the car, paid the bill and grabbed breakfast. I programmed the address into the sat-nav and headed off into the rush hour traffic.
I say rush hour, there was a few extra cars about, but no Hangar Lane gyratory system. The sat-nav did try to take me into a freight yard. In fact it did, as the guard just waved me through I guess as I had a day-glo jacket on and I must have looked like I belonged.
I went back out, the sat-nav must have thought not that way then, Guv? and this time took me the right way. I parked up, and then had to go through the usual health and safety.
Don't get hurt.
That about covers it.
I gave my presentation, it took about three hours. Much to my disaappointment, none of them fell asleep; and they did seem to gain something from the morning. A wad of papers if nothing else.
And then it was time to head back to the airport, guided by the sat-nav I got back in about an hour. Danish drivers are odd, liking to rush about until they come up against a slower car, at which point they tailgate rather than overtake. Possibly due to the thought that a passing dinosaur might crash into them. Or not.
So, what a night of fun I have to look forward to. I'm sure you won't be able to wait until I write the next installment of these tales of an international quality 'expert'.
Photos of the trip will be added over the weekend.
Be still my beating heart.
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