Just as promised. In a surprise move, the sun is shining and is quite warm. Not as warm as home, but not Norway cold for sure.
Now that my boss has given me the department sat-nav, I can find my way to anywhere in Europe, as long as I travel on roads more than two years old, as it needs updating.
But, it found the way from Bilund airport to Esbjerg, most of the way without using the motorway, which is fine with me. Denmark smalls of shot, as they're spreading it everywhere on the fields and it smells pretty ripe I have to say. As no one really lives here, the roads are quiet and driving is pleasant; not said that about driving in England for years I think.

I am holed up on the third floor in room 305, the same room number I had in Warrington, with views over the red-tiled rooftops of the town centre here. I am working, or would be if I wasn't doing this anyway.
All has gone well so far; the taxi arrived this morning as I was checking out, and me questioning the bill. £30 for a crap dinner last night that should have been 20% cheaper due to the early hour I ate; in the end I paid the bill and left.
It took about 20 minutes to head down the m6 to the airport. I checked in, left my bags and made my way through immigration the the lounge. When we use this one flight with BA, they let us use the executive lounge with fine views, free breakfast and unlimited coffee.

As I finished my first plateful of croissants and Danish pastries, my boss turned up. We chatted for a while, and he tried to log into the free internet network. I did not try as I had managed to check my mails last night when the hotel network bandwidth supported VPN.
And then it was time to board the Sopwith Camel; or it seemed that small. And we were off. Time for another breakfast on the flight, as the north Sea slipped by beneath us. Near to the Danish coast we flew over a huge windfarm, maybe even one of ours.
And then we were getting lower, circling the tiny airport, probably doing some crop-spraying as well. And with a bump or three we were down.
I love land. I'm getting a worse traveller as the years go by, and this tiny aircraft did not ease my fears much.

So, once in town, I parked at the hotel after finding a space which did not have a time limit, and then set off for a walk to buy some fruit and maybe take some snaps. It could happen.
So, at some point I will venture out to find somewhere to eat for the evening.
Until then, catch you later Bill and Ted.
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