What we did do was to begin the great Harry Potter film-o-thon, starting from the very first film. And over the weekend we managed to get through Sorcerer’s Stone, Chamber of Secrets and Prisoner of Azkaban, or whatever it was. And already we can see the films getting better and darker as time goes on. We won’t watch part four until late in the week as there is very important Champion’s League on two nights and Jools has a bead class Thursday. And anyway, Thursday is Top of the Pops night, so no Potter until Friday.

Saturday morning, the forecast was poor; heavy rain from midday, and so I decided to stay at home to vacuum the house, clean the kitchen floor and oven, and then bake some saffron buns. Jools was heading to Folkestone for a bead class, and I had toyed with the idea of wandering around town in the afternoon whilst Jools has her class. So, I stayed home, and got the tasks done whilst listening to the radio as is normal for a weekend. I wish I could say it was more exciting than that, but it really wasn’t. I got the buns out of the oven in the afternoon, and when Jools returned we had a couple of warm buns with a big cuppa, whilst the football began on the radio. And AT THE SAME TIME, I scanned some photographs of my time back when I worked at the chicken factory, and proceeded to post them where no one would find them; on Facebook.
I was forgetting the FUNNY INCEDENT that happened on Saturday morning. We have gotten used to seeing the cats staring at a bookshelf or at a kitchen appliance which means that one of the cats had brought in a mouse and it had now escaped and was sheltering for its life out of the reach of the cat’s jaws. So, seeing Scully pacing round the tumble dryer meant that there was probably a mouse behind it. As I made breakfast she must have nearly caught it as there was a loud squeak from the utility room. I thought no more of it, until the rabbit ran past me towards the record rack.
I said RABBIT!
Well, a baby rabbit; maybe not a baby rabbit, but one that should be shaving by now. I took off my t shirt and threw it over the rabbit; Scully was close behind quite excited by this point. I scooped up the rabbit and put it out of the door, and it ran away not believing its luck. And this left Scully staring at the records wondering where its latest toy had ran off too.

Oh yes, football. The FA Cup; a simple task for Norwich to beat Leicester and head into the quarter finals you might think. Well, no; Norwich managed to lose 2-1 and go tumbling out for another year. Just once in my life, I would like City to make it to the final, even if doesn’t mean as much as it did. But to see us walk out on the Wembley turf in the may sunshine. For that I will wait yet another year for that to happen. I’ve been waiting 39 long, long years, and so I guess another years isn’t going to hurt.

Sunday morning, and the rainclouds cleared, the sun came up and shone down on the cold and frosty east Kent. After a breakfast of coffee and croissants, we headed out into the sunshiiiine to take some photographs and a bit of pys. We stopped off at Dover Harbour to snap the scene of blue skies over the harbour and the castle on the cliffs above. It is a fine scene, and something you can never photograph enough. Which is just as well as I have snapped it several times.

On to Folkestone so I could snap the church by Central Station, and a walk up to The Leas in the sunshine; and despite the frosty start, the grassed areas were full of yellow crocuses. I snapped them too.

After a couple of hours wandering around the town, we headed back home and then I went on the cross-trainer! Oh yes I did, and did 15 minutes without dying or having a heart attack. A quick shower, and then time to slump on the sofa to watch Spurs play the might Stevenage Borough. And surprisingly, it ended in a 0-0 draw.

What better way to end the weekend than with a fine roast beef dinner and a glass or two of red plonk? None whatsoever.
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