Once home last night, I refilled the bird table with seeds and peanuts, scattered mealworms on the ground then went upstairs, got changed and went for a session on the cross trainer. I am enthused now that my back does not ache much at all now, and I don’t want to go back to walking around all hunched like an old man.
Anyway, I do half an hour, with Scully laying on the spare bed, apparently thinking when is this bloke going to stop so I can get some decent sleep? The poor love had just had dinner and needed her power snooze.
Anyway, so after I cooked dinner (chorizo hash), we sat down to watch Brian Cox, Dr Brian Cox on TV where he was going to run through the last 13.7 billion years of creation, and where the Corby Trouser Press fits into nature’s grand plan. Or something like that. So, we were sitting there, looking at the science-porn on TV when I noticed some movement in the front garden.

And there, eating away from the bird table was a fox. We daren’t breathe, as Jools was only about four feet away from it, but with a window in the way. But the fox knew we were there and just carried on eating. In time it wandered off, only to return half an hour later and finish off what was left on the bird table. And to think we were excited when a badger came, now we have a fox.
Can’t wait until the local elephant comes round to hoover up some peanuts……
And then this afternoon I was told by my boss I would no be doing menial jobs like i did on the last project, oh no, i will be managing my own little army of mini-mees, giving orders and generally being a pain in the bum. Or maybe I won't have anyone to 'manage' but it sounds cool to me; being valuable means not being sacked.
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