But as I spent most of it either dog tired, sleeping or thinking about sleeping, needless to say, Monday came round again very quickly, even if not traveling on Sunday felt like it was the best thing ever, well since wine in a box or cheese in a can, anyway.
I had so much to do on Monday, and then my work computer decided it did not like the router at home. It could see the router, but would not connect. Three hours of my life I wasted, re-establishing connections it still ignored anyway. But I got it working, just as I lost the will to live went, or at least the will to work anyway. I switched the laptop off, and set about packing for the trip back to Germany in the morning.
I spent the evening, watching Man Yoo on the cup against Preston, and making very, very hard work of things. 150 million quid spent in the summer and for what? Oh well. It passed an evening.
I awoke at five with an allergy attack in full swing. Oh that is great, just peachy. So, overheating and sniffling, I got up, took some drugs and lay awake until the alarm went off.

I haul myself up, have a shower, get dressed and have a coffee. Jools drops me off at Dover, only for the train I was expecting not listed on the departure board. So I hop on a stopping train, making my way to Ashford. With the new high speed service, there seems to be a train from Ashford every ten minutes, and depsite missing a train I had just ten minutes to wait before another one stopped to whisk me away to London. I had to stand of course, but as I would be doing more sitting for the next three days, what the hell.

I catch the DLR to the airport, check in, go through customs, but as I was to have a five hour wait in Frankfurt, I skipped breakfast, answered some mails, made some calls. And soon it was time to board.

As usual, we flew out along the Thames, and then up along the north Kent coast. I had a camera this time, so snapped lots of shots of Faversham, Sheepy, Harty, Thanet from the window as we climbed higher and higher. I drank coffee as we flew over Belgium, dropping down again as we crossed into Germany.

Once on firm ground, I made my way through the airport to near the gate, had a coffee and a marzipan cake, as I read more of my magazine. The place is huge, and the number of people using it incredible. My flight was called, so I made my way to the gate, got on the bus taking us to the remote stand. Darkness was falling as we climbed into the air, crossing into the old east. I drank more coffee.
I got my case, went to the car hire place, and seeing as its just me this week, I was offered and accepted a mid-range VW MPV or something. I programed the sat nat in the dash, and it worked fine, half an hour to get to the hotel. The autobahn was empty, so I put my foot down and was soon zooming along at 140kmh, charging along. Still not the fastest thing on the road.
My reservation was good, I dropped my bags in the room, went down to dinner, failing to order the diet Coke, and instead got a 'dunkel bier'. I had pork schnitzel with a horseradish coating, which was very good indeed. Man, I was bushed, and as the football wasn't on TV, best waste my time following the games on Twitter.
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