Another day with no airports.
Or hotels.
Tasks for the day:
2nd breakfast
hang out washing
In that order.
But, sadly, work took was clearly more important that breakfast or even 2nd breakfast. It began with meetings and continued with more meetings and ending with a hoooge meeting to end with, during which I listened to other people, in another country, argue with each other, before deciding at four that they were going to have fun then go to the pub. Now, I could have been there, team building, but I decided 5 weeks in a row away, was enough, and so refused to attend. Instead I stayed home, drank coffee and fed the cats. At regular intervals.

I have given up refusing to ignore the cat's demands for food. I for one worship my feline overlords. They seem quite happy with the situation, as they are getting rounder by the day.
Apart from meetings, I listen to the radio, and occasionally go outside to sit in the sun and to temper my impending allergy attack. Yes, allergy attack, you thought you had heard to the last of such things, I know I did. However, for some reason all this week I was tottering on the edge of descending into sneezing hell. I took drugs, or just tried to face it out, and did for the most part. Until last night, whilst watching TV, for no reason at all, I began to sneeze. And carried on sneezing, and sneezing more and more. I took drugs, had a shower and went to sit outside to get some fresh air, fortified only by a large tumbler of Danish whisky.

And the sneezing eased, which was nice.
But with Thursday out of the way, my 5th working day of the working week, and with Friday just to go before the weekend could begin.
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