And on hump day, does it feel like June yet? In a word: no. Although it was brighter, the wind was still keen and from the east.
I have important business to attend to to, I am hard at work by half seven, trying to arrange stuff. Important stuff, and I am frustrated that others don't see how important it is. Actually, some do, and with their help, as the day progresses, the issues get discussed and sorted.
It being cold, I put on one of my work jumpers, and straight away begin sneezing. I take it off and I stop sneezing. I put it on, and begin sneezing again. I take it off, I am cold, but stop sneezing. I put two and two together and think there is something on the jumper causing me to sneeze. See why I was way too clever for military intelligence!

After lunch, I have got to a place where I am happy with in regard to sorting issues out, and as we had just run out of milk, this called for drastic action.
This meant a walk to the village shop, which, if I walked along the main road would be ten minutes there and then back again.

However, my allergies, caused by house dust, have been getting worse all week, not helped by the cool weather which have caused me to have the windows closed during the day as I work from home.
And so, after another series of phone meetings, and with actions in place, I thought i could spare an hour for a walk to the shops: via the pig's copse, down the dip and along the top road opposite where I could check on an area of the field that has been fenced off, and quite frankly, I was curious as to what was going on.

THe colours are a bit muted, as it was a cloudy day, but it was also very breezy, something unusual at this time of year, and I even put a fleece on just to make sure I kept warm. This is June, right?
No point in checking on the glade for butterflies, as they would not be basking in the weak light, and the wind would rip their wings to shreds.
The pig and piglets seemed to be asleep, and down the dip not even the semi-friendly horse would come over to say hello.

The field leading down towards Kingsdown, is still full of rapeseed, slowly drying out, but the edges now have some added colour as poppies and other wild flowers colonise. Along the top road and back at the edge of the village, I see that the end house seems to be expanding its garden, which is why that area of the field is now fenced off, and clearing of the hedge is under way. My curiosity satisfied, I walk into the village.
I get some milk, but then think an ice cream would be fine as I walked down the hill home, and mybe last the walk up the other side too. But no, seems like I was for to intent on munchin ght ice cream, and it was gone in seconds: maybe I should go for another?

I don't, and so walk to the bottom of the hill, then like the Duke of York, I walk to the top, or near the top of the other side, but then I was neither up nor down. But puffing well.
The day peters out into later afternoon and then evening. Jools is coming home, so I prepare dinner, some breaded chicken and bulgar wheat. Very nice. I feel like a beer would be very nice as I am cooking. I am right, beer is very good when I am cooking, as is another when we are sat down to eat. Now, why am I feeling all sleepy.

Outside the clouds cleared, and the wind dropped some, but already it is half seven, and after clearing up, we go out to see a large cruiseline which should be in port. Sadly, we see it in the distance already having sailed, as we drive down Jubilee Way. So we go round the roundabout at the bottom and go back home again.
And finally, the next to last Springwatch, with the robin voted as the national bird of Britain: haven't those people seen how agressive the little red-breasted buggers are? Its all down to good PR and those Christmas cards I tell you.
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