Thursday 15 July 2010

Brewing up with the Jelltexes: Thursday 15th July 2010

Ha! Thursday, that’s like almost the weekend. Four days down and one to go, not that Friday really counts is it? Come to that, today has been quiet at work, answered a few mails, studied the database for a bit, looked a Flickr maybe once every 20 minutes or so. Quite the same as Wednesday as well; you see, Denmark goes on holiday for three weeks in July, apparently, and so there is just a skeleton crew in the various head offices, mails that would take a week to be answered take a month, and so the days pass slowly. Very slowly.
I think things are going well, I mean I have recovered my first set of costs for the project, twelve hundred and something Euros, but it’s a start, and I am waiting for double that from another factory, which means we will just about hit the monthly target with two weeks to spare!


I have just read FHM. I say read, I flicked through, looked at the pictures, laughed at the fashions and then again at the prices, and that passed ten minutes, but it just recycles the same stuff every few months, no wonder they are going out of business one by one. Probably.

And, now that the World Cup has finished, the evenings are free, free to watch the rain come pouring down, at least it means we don’t have to water the vegetables and flowers. We made a new batch of home brew the other night; it’ll be ready to bottle by the end of the weekend. Hopefully it’ll be as good as the first batch which got better with age. We are planning to let it age a bit more this time.

Our next project

And that is our news, much the same as last week, with less hospitals. But next week will have more as I have to go in for a procedure. Oh well, three days off work and hopefully things will be sorted, nothing major, just something that needs sorting out.

And back to work; just as I’m really getting into the swing of it, the project is winding down and I may be jobless by the end of August. But, there is news, maybe of a job back at sea, or a permanent job in this company, or a transfer to the London Array Project which begins here in October, or maybe something else. We shall see.Or maybe I should just try to win the lottery and give up this working malarkey once and for all. That’d be nice………

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