Warning* This blog entry contains badgers and references to badgers*
Yes, folks, badgers. Or rather badger. You see a few weeks ago you may recall that a fox had been seen eating the fat balls we had bought for the garden birds to eat. And so we have put one or two out and in a day or two, they vanish. So, we thought, the fox is coming round. And then last night, I was listening to the football on the radio, Jools was walking down the stairs and she pointed and said, badger!

And indeed, just outside our window a badger was sniffing at the low bird table, then trying to bite one of the three fat balls I had put out. He got his teeth into it and then ran off, apparently happy enough he had something to eat. During the night, I got up and happened to look at the window again, and there he was, back for more food. This time he stayed to eat, taking bot remaining fat balls, and sniffing out the mealworms and peanuts I had put out. Once he was happy there was no more food, he ran off.

In other news, the bathroom doesn’t seem to have moved on as much as I’d hoped. But the tiles are up and on Thursday the grouting should be done, and we hope the frame put up. The hope of having a shower in it before the weekend is still alive! Other than that, little else to report. We did visit Tony’s last night for showers and catch up on stuff in the old folks world. Before heading back home for a dinner of scotch eggs, crusty bread and a bottle of Cava. Nice one.

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