Where were we? Oh yes, Sunday night. And verily the snow did fall outside and the cats looked out until they could keep it in no longer and they had to go out.

I guess, all in all, we only had two or three inches, which isn’t to be sniffed at, but it’s not even going to bring life to a standstill, not even in England. In fact by Monday morning, a thaw had already set in.
Jools took the car to work, and I worked from home as the plumber was due round to continue work on the bathroom. In short, the floor wasn’t level, and so cement had to be bought on which to place the board onto which the shower tray is going to have to be glued. Being winter, and being cold, even the ultra-quick drying cement didn’t want to set. So, after another day at work, the board was in place and level and the WC plumbed in, although the water wasn’t switched on as there seemed to be a leak.

We really should rejoice for every day we have on the face of this planet and the life that it gives each and every one of us. Be thankful for the wonderful people we meet, that enrich our lives in the hope that we enrich theirs. And, for the most part, our problems are not really problems, not really when compared to what some people have to and are dealing with.
Normal service will be resumed tomorrow.
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