It isn't until you feel better you realise how crap you had felt before. and so it was the case this morning after I had woken from just over eight hours and so felt slightly better than yesterday. In truth I would say a hundred percent better.
So last night there was me with the blocked sinuses and jools not being able to stop coughing. We missed out on Dinner and spent the evening watching Tom Cruise in War of the Worlds; which wasn't as bad as most films with the Cruister in.
anyway, one thing I did realise was that what had laid be down was 24 hour flu followed by an allergy attack, and one that double the dose of amethystine did not fix. so, for the first order of the day was to head into town to go to the chemist for drugs. Strong drugs. We headed into town just as the sky provided us with a blizzard of the finest snow; snow powder possibly.
So, we drove to town, found a place to park, and I got given some strong anti-allergy pills and Jools got more cough mixture. We then went to Poundland to fill up on birdseed and fat balls, as this is by far the cheapest place to get it from. And then back home, back to the warm.

We had to get fat balls as we are visited every night by at least one badger, and last night two. Food is really short now as winter stretches out its icy fingers into April. The ground is rock hard, so looking for worms is out, and there are no bugs or insects about.
At lunchtime, we headed out for a quick walk in the spring sunshine, but the strong north east wind nearly cut us in half. We did make it to see the pigs, then turned for home again. as walks go, it wasn't much, but under the circumstances we welt we earned a medal.

Anyway, time to make a brew before Dr Who starts......
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