Sunday, we had a quiet morning, until 11 when we drove to Folkestone to meet a friend who is organising a trip to a nature reserve in London and needed the deposit. So, we wrapped up and made our way to the car and headed out.
Blimey, Charlie, it was cold down by the harbour. We had to wait ten minutes before Mary arrived. We headed into a nearby café for a cuppa and a chat.
After that, there was little else to do other than head home for lunch and a warm up.
Wine at lunchtime sounds like a good idea, but it means I spend the afternoon trying to fight off the urge to snooze and there is no chance of exercise! So, I read some, messed around with photographs whilst listening to the radio.

It is the last week of March, and Easter very, very soon. But across north-west Europe winter still stalks the land. Snow drifts 18 feet deep are reported in the Lake District, where we were a month ago snapping the setting sun. The forecast is for more of the same, near freezing until the end of next week at least, and snow in many places.

Some are saying this is more evidence of global warming whilst others say it is part of the cycle of things. We shall see. Whatever, it is mighty cold and we still dream of warm days and evenings.
And yesterday I got to drive into the office. Its funny how something so mundane was so pleasant after the weeks and weeks of travelling. I had Radio 4 on and Robert Peston et al informed me why the world is so messed up, whilst politicians came on to say, no, no, its far more complicated than that. Pay your taxes and it'll all be OK. Oh, and blame the immigrants, it's all their fault. Oh yes, Mr Cameron, mein fuhrer.
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