Stockbury is between the Medway towns and Maidstone on the A149, (I think) or something like that. But getting to the wood meant crossing the eastbound carriageway, which with the almost Essex-like speed of drivers in the area is a worrying time. And then onto the lane beyond and quickly it shrunk to being just a car wide, with moss growing inbetween where cars wheels go, and climb steadily into the wood.

We saw a Kent Conservation Trust sign, so we were in the right place. And in the wood in all directions were bluebells. Hundreds of thousands of bluebells. So, we grabbed the cameras and set off, whilst occasionally, sunlight streamed down through the trees casting patterns of light and dark on the bluebells.

We soon came to a clearing which was scattered with fine specimens of Early Purples, so I snapped a few, even another of the var. alba seen yesterday at Park Gate. We walked on and headed deeper into the wood; we passed many more bluebells and the occasional clearing which had more early purples.

Do at the bottom of the hill, some almost fully open Lady Orchids could been seen, and in the clearing Orange Tip Butterflies and small moths and many assorted flies rushed around collecting pollen and doing what insects do at this time of year. Sadly, I did not see any Fly Orchids, but that could due to their tiny size and my lack of orchid spider senses picking them out between the bluebells.

We headed back to the car, and went to investigate the downs, but I found no further orchids, but I do come across St Mary Magdaline, a church not the saint. And it was open, so I went in to snap it and be able to tick another off the list.
Back home for a late lunch, and to mow the lawn as the forecast for the rest of the week is for rain, and I will be in Denmark from tomorrow, so better just get it done. And afterwards why not sit in a chair on the lower decking, with a cold, frosty beer in hand and survey my good work.

Why not indeed?
And then prepare for the afternoon of trying to stay awake during the final round of games in the Prem. City were playing at Citeh, one of our many bogey teams, but one which had just sacked their manager, and so much to our joy we ran out 3-2 winners and ended up with 44 points and in 11th place; a place higher than last year although with three less points. And so some 15 days after being convinced we were going down we end up being almost mid-table.
So, nothing more than to wait for MOTD and see City’s goals, whilst outside a procession of badgers of varous sizes came in to feed from the low bird table. I counted 11 of them, and it was wonderful to be so close to them all.
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