Friday, 3 May 2013

Friday 3rd May 2013


Waiting our turn

So, it was back to the old routine of getting up at five fifteen so to be ready, suited and booted to go down to Dover station to catch the 06:42 train to London. For a change I had packed my bags to day before, checked in so there was nothing else to do other than get ready.

London Calling

I was so well organised and in time that I had time to get a coffee and scone from the buffet on the station. I mean, they’re called buffets but they’re not, just a café. Anyway, I got my coffee and scone and sat on the platform for the train to arrive, and for the local pigeons muster round my feet to fight for the crumbs and current that fell from my hand.


It was another uneventful trip to London, this time with added commuters, which was fine as they met old friends and chatted about the weekend, read the paper, looked at their I pods. I looked out the window as I always do, watching Kent fly past the window as we neared London. I got on the DLR, headed to the airport, got my boarding pass, checked my bag in, got through security and was sitting down in the lounge with over an hour to spare.

And it was time to board the plane, some familiar faces there. And off we went, moving 25m to the hold point whilst we waited for a slot to head up the runway where we could wait again for a take off slot. But it was gloriously sunny, and it was fine looking at Canary Wharf through the jet wash from the engine just outside the window.

And with a lurch to the runway, then a roar and we were off, bumping down the runway and into the blue sky. We got views over the Thames to Greenwich and as we banked, further along the river to Tower Bridge and Westminster, with the Shard towering over everything. We headed north east, flying over Essex and into Suffolk before turning east and over the sea, with me getting glimpses of Lowestoft through the clouds way down below.

And the usual stuff at Billund; off the plane, through immigration, baggage reclaim, get the car keys and into the car park to find the hire car. This time it is a new Polo. What was different is that it is still daylight, as it is still only just after lunch. So, I climb in and head to Esbjerg and the office. Not much else to report as the usual gubbins; people running round arms waving look of panic in their eyes. And then I see its just my reflection…..


So, at half five after more meetings I have had enough and pack up to go to the hotel. As I go past I see a selection of American muscle cars in the town square, so I park the car, check in, drop my bags off, grab my camera and snap the heck out of them before they are driven off. What then? Oh yes, Irish bar.


One pint.

Two pints

Three pints.

So, head to Bones for ribs before heading back to my room to see the Villa Sunderland game. Surely we can trust Sunderland to demolish Villa? No, instead Villa demolish Sunderland, 6-1, and so five clubs are separated by one point, and it’s all in the balance with three games to play anything could happen, and City playing Villa on Saturday.


And so not surprisingly, I went out last night for beer and ribs and rounded off the evening with laying on the bed watching football. Only the name of the day changes……

However, in a change we went to Jensen’s Boefhus for dinner. I met one of the guys at half six after I had a walk down to the dock to photograph some railway tracks. You will not be surprised of that fact I suspect. It still feels like very early spring here, and indeed a very keen wind was blowing and my failure to wear a vest of jerkin as Nannie would have called it mean that the wind whistled through my fleece.


We decided to leave work at five, as there is only so much fire-fighting we can do in one day. I changed into my non-work coat so I could call in the Irish bar if needed. And set out. I got my shots and after calling Jools I set back for the hotel into the teeth of the easterly wind. Brrr. I was cold, and I thought a pint of beer would help.

It did.

And once again I attracted the idiot in the bar. Would I like to go outside to watch him smoke? OK, not watch him, but that’s what would have happened as I don’t smoke. I stayed in the warm after he berated me, but he stumbled in with fag still burning only for the barman to finally lose patience and kick him out and be barred too just to make sure.

I carried on drinking.

I met my friend at half six, and we made our way to the restaurant, and after a short wait got a table and I ordered beer and ribs. After being recommended, it was something of a disappointment, as clearly understaffed and the ribs not so good as in Bones. Still, I ate them all.

Just in time to head back to the hotel for the game and watch Dortmund knock Real out, despite losing 2-0. And then time for bed.

And now, a new month and me trying to address as many of the issues here as possible before the next project starts in 11 days! Bloody hell, that’s not long.

Plan for tonight:


Food (although not ribs)


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