And so it came to pass that I did indeed eat ribs drink beer and watch football and visit the Irish bar again. Although their card machine broke and I only had enough money for the single beer before I went to the hotel to watch the rest of the first half of the Barca-Bayern game before falling asleep though most of the 2nd, only waking up when Bayern scored each of their three goals to seal a stunning 7-0 overall victory.

Earlier, I had given Steffen a lift home as his bike would not start, and we ended up heading to Ribe on the way. Ribe as an Elizabethan town, or whatever the Danish equivalent is, and full of 16th century houses, cobbled streets, cafes, bars, tourists and more to photograph that you could shake a Hassleblad at.

Oh, and a Norman cathedral.

And it was open.

So, after finding a place to park, we headed to the cathedral, paid a donation and went in. It has been heavily restored, and many original features covered over, but it is the only cathedral of that style that survives in Denmark, and it is rather wonderful. So, even with the compact camera, I got some acceptable shots, walked the length of the church getting shots from each end, but turning down a chance to climb the tower as I didn’t want to appear all puffed out in front of Steffen.

Anyway, we went on to explore the rest of the town, more cobbled streets, timber-framed buildings, weirs, churches and the such. It was also wonderfully warm and sunny, and would have been pleasant to sit in a street café sipping a beer or eating an ice cream. Maybe another time…..
It was time to head back to Esbjerg as I had agreed to meet with Gary for dinner. And this time we went to Dronning Louise, which actually had tables, but if the warm weather continues we will be able to sit outside and watch the world go by as we dine.
And much the same as Wednesday: sun, work, chaos, meeting and more meetings which lead to a seven forty-five finish for me, and just time to get back to the hotel to meet Gary before heading to Bones where there was a large portion of ribs waiting with my name on it. 12 hour days at a desk are never fun, and there are times I was back on the aft deck reeling in a 1.5km long streamer than this. Man, the office politics are a killer, and treating people with kid gloves when boxing gloves would be a preferred option.
And now its Friday: time to go home, or in a few hours and a three day weekend awaits.
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