We then drove down to the Bay to look at the waves crashing onto the beach. I say that, and yet every time we go down, despite the wind the sea seems relatively tranquil in comparison. Like today. However, some low waves did roll in, big enough at high tide to break upon the sea wall, sending spray high into the air. The car park was just about full as people had come down to take in the air. And what air, ripe with the tang of salt.
The rest of the day has been doing chores: trying to repair the cat flap, repairing the wall in the bedroom where the curtain rails have almost fallen off. Almost. I would like to say, this was not my fault, as the previous owner seemed to have plastered the walls with something akin to sand, which holds no rawplug or screw. Or not without some luck. Anyway, we have been mixing up and using Polyfilla, and hopefully when we come to rehang the rail it won't fall off again.
I had been trying to get a couple of friends to join me on a trip to a gala at the Spa Valley Railway this week. But, due to matters out of their control, neither of them could come. And so it was left to Jools to accompany me to Tunbridge Wells and ride on trains. Oh, and there was a beer festival on as well, in which case a designated driver could come in handy......
As the first train was at half eight, we decided to be there to catch that, maybe then be able to leave at a reasonable time and maybe do some other stuff. So, we found ourselves leaving the house before half six, when it was still dark and heading up the M20 to Maidstone.
We arrived in Tunbridge wells with 50 minutes to spare, the station was not yet open, so we headed into the nearby Sainsbury's for 2nd breakfast and more coffee. There was some doubt whether we could park for more than a couple of hours in their car park, and so what with the poor weather forecast, the idea to spend all day there was now being changed into maybe just a morning.

So at eight fifteen, we boarded the train, double-headed by a 31 and a 37; more than enough horsepower to get us on our way. Despite all that horsepower, we were restricted to 25mph, and so with a growl and rumble, we lurched into motion and through the gloom of a Kentish morning.
The line now goes all the way to Eridge, where it joins up with the Southern line to Waterloo, so this was the first time we had ridden the new extension. The driver had to open the gate to the branch just shy of Eridge, and then we ran parallel with the main line into the station.

And then back again.
Once back in Tunbridge wells, the rain began to fall heavily, so we headed into the engine shed for some refreshment, which turned out to be a bbq and the beer festival. Maybe ten fifteen was a little too early for beer, but the beer went down well, and I had four halves, which set me up for the day.
We took the decision to not ride up the line again, and went back to the car and set off for home. On the way back we stopped of at Pembury Old Church but found it locked once more. This is the third time we have called here and each time it has been locked.
We had more luck at Wateringbury which we found unlocked and being cleaned by the churchwardens. So, I took my shots, and looked at the fine memorials and collection of 13 banners.
After leaving the church we stop off at the village pub, The Wateringbury, just to confuse matters, to have lunch, which as we were both hungry turned into a full meal, although we did bail on creme brulee for dessert.
It was a long drive home for Jools, and tricky as the rain hammered down, and traffic on the motorway was like driving in mist due to the spay. But, she got us back safe, time enough to put the kettle on and settle on the sofa to listen to kick off in the 3 o'clock kick offs. Sadly, Norwich met Arsenal when they put in the performance of the season so far, and City were put to the sword 4-1. It could have been more, but at times City played well. Despite being second from bottom, we are just two points from mid-table, this still only being the 8th game of the season, but we really do need to start winning games again.
And so ended another wonderful Saturday: trains, churches, beer festival. What more could I ask for?
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