Sunday 2 November 2014

Sunday 2nd November 2014


All Hallows Day.

All Saints Day.

Bonfire night (part 1).

November sunrise

Jools had done the shopping, so there was no need to be up early to head out, and yet we were both up and about before 6, looking to the east as the sky turned ever more glorious colours. And when the sun did rise above the horizon, it was into a mostly clear blue sky. But within minutes, cloud had rushed over covering the sky with a sheet of grey.

November walk

We decide to go for a walk before the weather really gets crappy, so we decide to head to Windy Ridge, an hour round trip, especially if I dawdle as I take shots. We pull on our walking boots, put our coats on, but as with the day before, it seems warm enough, just about to do without. In fact it was some eight degrees cooler than Friday, but once we began the steady climb along the muddy lanes, the blood started pumping and it was warm enough to unbutton our coats.

November walk back to Windy Ridge

We saw precious few people about, but that was fine, in the woods at Windy Ridge, we saw a few fungi, nothing special, a good crop of King Alfred's Cakes, some Jelly Ears, a few button mushrooms and some forked orange coloured fungi. So, that done we headed back home, back down the hill, time enough for another brew.

I thought about the drain we rigged up last week, and how I could fix that, so I used insulation tape to tighten the joints, hoping that would do the job, and save a trip to B&Q.

The afternoon involved me, snoozing, the sofa and football on the radio. The usual mix. As Norwich had already played, I was not feeling as tense as usual, so sleep came even easier.

For dinner we had pan fried breaded aubergine and home made pasta salad. Light and tasty. SO all was eaten, washed and cleared up before the serious business of Dr Who began at a quarter past.

A quiet day, then.....

Apart from the very early bonfire night parties which lit up the night with flashing lights, bangs and scared the cats. Cheers for that.

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