Monday 9 March 2015

Monday 9th March 2015


We had decided to have a relaxing day, as the BBC said, thick cloud, drizzle, in short neither walking or working in the garden weather. We were awake at sunrise, it was golden and beautiful. Oh that won't last long we said.

With no MOTD to watch thanks to the 'magic' of the cup. Sorry, The Cup. At nine with no sign of cloud or drizzle, we decided that it was possible that we really should put on our walking boots and go and do some stomping. One last look out of the window, still no clouds.

So, we get our boot, cameras, coats and we are all ready to go. In light of the lack of rain, we hoped that it might even be drier than it was on Friday. Over the fields to the pigs copse, still empty. We look down the lane to the dip, it was still muddy but it looks like there might be a path that could be weaved. But before then, we went over to a couple of the horse that are kept there, and fed them with a couple of carrots i had bought the day before: I bought extra just in case we went for a walk. They were mighty happy to have something else other than hay and grass to chomp on.

Down the dip, past the chickens and ducks of Fleet House, all busy looking for bugs and grubs in the woods beside the track. At the bottom of the hill, and girding our loins, up the hill the other side. We take our time, as it is not cold, warm even. So the stomping requires coats to be unfastened and regular stops to admire the views.

Then the walk along the cycle path until we turn off and take the path over the fields and downs towards The Dover Patrol Monument and the cliffs.

Sunday morning walk to the cliffs

We pass several other also out, mostly walking their dogs, enjoying the fine, no stunning morning. We pass the time in a fine manner, all expressing surprise about the lack of clouds and rain. At the cliffs, we take a look over the cliffs, it is not quite low tide, but plenty of rocks are exposed at the feet of the cliffs. Jools makes a suggestion that we should go to Bluebirds for coffee and cake. Should we? Yes we should. And do. I have tea and shortbread, Jools had coffee and coffee and walnut cake. Very nice.

Sunday morning walk to the cliffs

As we sit there, more and more people are arriving, so we take our leave, pay the bill and walk back outside.

The landscape is stunning, but it looks like the clouds are building, so, deciding to split up, Jools walks back through the village and I retrace my steps back the way we had just come.

Sunday morning walk to the cliffs

Once back home, we agree to head to a garden centre to look for some ferns. Yes, ferns. Not only did we do this, but it was my idea. How shocking is that?

We drive to the centre at Alkham, we find three small ferns, but we really want a large one for the back of the plot, so we dive to the one in the centre of Folkestone. They don't have one either, so we made do with half a dozen packs of seeds, and an ice cream each. Sadly, once through the crunchy chocolate coating, the ice cream inside was almost liquid. We dump them in a bin, so console ourselves with the fact we can have a huge slice of cheesecake when we get home.

Which is what we do.

Jools works in the garden, I work in the kitchen, making pasta salad and then preparing the veg for dinner. We have the last of the Christmas turkey, warmed up in the oven with fresh veg, roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings. All done in 45 minutes from start to plate, and washed down with a bottle of 20011's home made elderberry wine. All very nice, but that wine is mighty strong.

The day is fading, it is dark outside, cats are sleepy. I am sleepy.

That is another weekend gone, but this week, I am not travelling. Home for the week!


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