Saturday 17 December 2022

Friday 16th December 2022


The last working Friday of the year, and as a treat have a two hour department meeting, during which we were told that our colleagues in India, who we already feel distant from (in all senses of the words) will move to a new department too.

I don't get it.

And I say as much.

I also ask that if the expected benfits and improvements don't happen, that this can be reversed.

Before then, well, being Friday, its bin day, so once Jools left for work at seven, I put the rubbish out, make a second coffee and log on for the day. The expected avalanche of mails on what for many is the last working day of the year, and one of my other meetings was declined by the other guy. Again.

Frosty I am at the point of not caring any more.

It is going to be a fine, if cold day. But the planned meeting between me and a colleague in HSE won't now happen due to another strike on the railways. There's always another Friday.....

Bin Day So, meetings after meetings. Just time to have breakfast of toast and chocolate spread, while lunch was defrosted dahl and leftover fritters. All vegetables. So all good.

We have a meeting to wish each other season's greetings. Henrik has been ordered to take two weeks off to use up his banked vacation days. The company won't buy unused ones back of us. Mores the pity. Though, I make sure I use all mine.

At half one I am done for the week.

I pack up and am washing up when Joos comes back home. We were going to go out, somewhere, but with her cough, we thought better of it. She did call the surgery and found that her inhalers would be ready to be picked up in the morning from Tesco, so hopefully that is the beginning of the end.

Three hundred and fifty Instead we have a coffee and I cut a slice of the first of the Christmas cakes, just for quality control purposes.

Lovely and moist. And tasty.

I'd pass that, and as a quality manager, I am qualified to do so.

Darkness falls, and we listen to music until it was time for the music quiz. I know nothing about Taylor Swift so socre null oints again for the month.

Tete De Mort X-Mas Dinner is defrosted Moroccan stew, defrosted creamed spinach and spcies fied pork slices.

All good and tasty.

I have another Christmas beer and a wine.

It was the start of the weekend.

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