Wednesday 28 December 2022

Tuesday 27th December 2022


The period between Christmas and New Year, taken up with, mostly eating.

Eating leftovers and gifts received at Christmas.

Twix sandwiches.

Cold meat and Quality Street.


You get the idea.

It was, I thing, Tuesday. Hard to tell, to be honest.

We are, at least, sleeping a lot. Laying in bed until eight, or thereabouts. Sometimes, Cle comes into the bedroom lets out a despairing wail-cum-meow, hoping we'll get up and feed her.

We do in time. Outside its bloody cold, after a week of rain and wind, frost returned.

We had coffee.

The plan was to laze around until about 11. Have lunch of cold meat, chips and Boston Beans, tidy up and see what we fancied doing.

Jools did go swimming though.

I spend the morning trying to finish editing all the church photographs I have taken this month. No idea what the rush is, just seemed important that I do.

Anyway, I spend the morning like that, Jools comes back and I cook what part of lunch needed cooking.

Cold stuffing, pigs in blankets, chips, Boston Beans and bubble & squeak. Which is mashed potatoes and vegetables then fried.

We wash up, then Jools watches two episodes of Better Call Saul, and I do other stuff. Outside it rained so put a a walk in doubt.

When I stopped I still wasn't keen, so what would you like to do, Jools asks.

Three hundred and sixty one Go to the Freed Man, try their strong, dark mild and play Uckers.

Which is what we do.

Others in the pub were talking loudly, paying our game little or no attention. Jools wins on the last piece, and that is that.

Uckers She drives us back home at dusk, in time for a brew, a slice of Christmas cake and start of the first game of the evening.

Chelsea and Man Utd win. In pouring rain.

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