Working days has come as a shock, as so has how tired I feel in the evenings as well. Tuesday was my birthday, and after a snack and a beer, we both went to bed to listen to the radio and read, upon which I feel asleep. Rock and roll!
So, where were we with the blog? Oh yeah, Friday, walking and coming off night shift.
Anyway, Saturday, we headed out to our not so local butchers out in the wilds of the Kentish countryside and go stuff for the week ahead. And on the way back we call in Tescos and brave the crowds and get it over with. Never a good thing, but we managed to get round and out within an hour and back home in time for lunch.
We also headed to the town of Deal, a couple of friends from Flickr had their pictures in the tourist information centre, and I had said we would go down to have a look. And how good it was to see their pictures up on the wall rather than online.
We called in our local independent record shop and bought a couple of CDs and then it was really time to head home for a relaxing afternoon with me listening to the radio football commentary, and Jools out in the garden doing garden type things.
We had a barbecue in the evening, but once again our eyes were bigger than our bellies, but we did the other stuff so we could have cold for the next few days. And as usual, we sat in the garden and watched the sun go down and the stars come out. I can't explain how magical this simple thing is.
Sunday, was a special day, as we had planned a boat trip out of Herne Bay to some WW2 forts out in the Thames Estuary. We had it booked for week, and as luck would have it the weather was wonderful. Two friends of ours were to join us, and so we set off to meet them just after lunch.

The weather was perfect, wall to wall sunshine and blue skies, and we had our seats booked. And on the stroke of two we climbed in the boat and zoomed out over the calm sea, through the wind farm out to the Maunsell Forts.

Please click on the pictures to my Flickr page where there is information on the history of the forts. Suffice to say it was wonderful, doubly so when we went right under what was left of the forts and the captain told us some of their history. Needless to say, I took may, many pictures, and really, really had a great time.

On the way back, we stopped at the new windfarm and marvelled at the turbine's height. More pictures taken.

And the final call was at the head of what is left of Herne Bay Pier, which is now a roost for thousands of seagulls, and the pierhead has something of a Gothic air of them.

And suddenly we were back on land and in the middle of the crowded promenade as people walked by eating fish and chips; an almost perfect day.
Jools and I headed home to have cold BBQ ribs and sausages and watch the sun go down again.
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