Monday 10 August 2009

Vampire in training

Sleep all day, check print all night; it's great to be a QA inspector.

Only modern life don't like shift workers. Delivery drivers, hedge trimmers, postmen, et al. And there are the cats.

I managed to stay up until nearly 5, then slept until half eight, then the noise began.

In truth, it's not that noisy around here, but once I'm awake. I came downstairs to make a cuppa, and the cats moved in to the warm spot on the bed. When I did go back to bed, one little dark tabby cat, Molly, had taken over half the bed and so I had to sleep on the other side of the bed. That don't feel right.

But, I did drop off for another hour or two, even with cats demanding attention. Just two and a half hours until my shift begins, and then begins the long dark night of the nightshift worker.

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