Friday 5 February 2010

Friday 5th February 2010

Well, it is nine in the evening and I'm sitting here with a large glass of malt, ruminating on a good couple of days. We have done some surveying, in fact we have finished. All good date; well, mostly good data, surveyor happy, Ian happy as I got some shots of a ship with legs and it was standing up!! And of a nice sunset yesterday. And it is the weekend, I have organised a large Flicrmeet from tomorrow, hopefully lots of people will come along to the Napoleonic fort here in Dover, and then on Sunday it's the Superbowl, and I can sit and watch the game as there is no work Monday. Probably. Maybe. The information is not forthcoming on that.

Into the gloom

So, yesterday we sailed at dawn, into the gloom of a misty dawn, and headed out 10 miles to the wind farm and after dropping the sidescan sonar in the water, began to work. And that is what we did until it began to get dark.

Ramsgate wind farm

I won't go into the monotony of it, but once you do one site, and move on to the next and the next and so on, the novelty soon wears off. No break for lunch, just keep working.

Ramsgate windfarm sunset

The sun came out in the afternoon, and then sank into a cauldron of mist over the Isle of Thanet. I snapped away.

The MPI Resolution

At the other end of the site, the MPI Resolution was putting up wind turbine towers; it is a large ship that can raise itself up out of the water on legs and so use its big crane. It looked so great, futuristic, I snapped that some too.

The MPI Resolution

Today was much the same, except we finished and headed to port at three to pack up the gear and then go home for the weekend.


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