Tuesday 2 February 2010

Tuesday February 2nd 2010

I am getting used to the commute, dropping Jools off at work and then heading towards Ramsgate. Sometimes the sun rises as I drive along Pegwell Bay, and I wish I had time and my cameras with me so I could take pictures, the sky seems to be on fire as the sun rises over the mudflats and the drilling barge laying the electrical cable linking the windfarm with the national grid. No chance of the yesterday, it was grey and drizzling, and the traffic very heavy.

Once I park the car I walk to the harbour to find it at low tide, very low tide. Boats lay on their side and there is no chance of getting out of the harbour even if we wanted to. The water is grey and brown, and so different from the sunny days from the weekend.

There is no news on the boat about sailing. So we sit and talk and wait and drink tea. And wait. At midday news comes that the radio and beacon will not be fitted until Wednesday, and so we pack up and go home. I got in the door by one and have lunch and a coffee, reflecting on how life changes. Then go out to get a haircut, so I look less like a tramp.

So, we meet at half eight in the morning, same place and see what the new day brings.

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