Thursday 11 August 2011

Thursday 11th August 2011

What is that I see hoving into view? Oh, it's the weekend! About time too. Thanks to a combination of cats, humidity and life in general means that I need sleep, a rest and whatever I can get.

First, update on Molly: she is back to her normal bouncy self. And the wound is healing quickly now. I am guessing its half its original size and looking a lot less angry. She is also making up for a week with no food by eating whatever and whenever she can, and best of all is still very loving. And has forgiven us for the trip to the vet, but not the two tablets we have to give her daily.

Yesterday we got on TV. well, kinda. A friend posted on FB that he had tickets for the filming of a TV in Dover Castle, was anyone interested? Yes, why not? So, after work and a quick dinner, we headed out to the castle; our name was on the list, and we stood around waiting for something television-y to happen. What I can tell you is TV is mainly lots of assistants running around, make up guys dropping make up brishes, and the 'talent' coming out from their trailers and reading stuff off autocues, waiting to see if the take was good and heading back for more otter's noses and ocelot's spleens in the green room.

BBC 'National Treasures' broadcast, Dover Castle, August 10th 2011

We were warned to take something warm; we should have taken fire, but a winter jumper should have been enough in August. But the wind did blow and the sun got low and we all did shiver.

Come half seven and broadcast time, I had had enough, and after the intro was filmed and the 'talent' headed off to different parts of the castle, we headed out back to the car and home: where first a cuppa and then two wee drams helped warm the swonicles.

BBC 'National Treasures' broadcast, Dover Castle, August 10th 2011

The big news this week has been the riots; initially set off by the shooting of a guy with a replica gun in the back of a taxi in Tottenham, but spreading to other parts of London and then England as people saw an opportunity to smash things and loot stores of designer clothes and jewellery.
But why, the papers and politicians ask? Because we put such an emphasis on the value of things, not just whether something is just good. By a top, plain? No, instead buy one for six times the price with this huge unattractive logo on it. That you can't afford it makes it even more desirable!
So, harsher sentences for the rioters, less money for the police, and this is what our glorious leader tells us will fix things. We shall see.

And now the weekend looms; the Premier season is about to begin, and Norwich are to be tested against the might that is Wigan. A game we could win; maybe should win. The fun starts here.......

1 comment:

forkboy said...

Here's to hoping our weekends are filled with great things!