Tuesday 23 August 2011

Tuesday 23rd August 2011

A short post today, not much else to say.

I was not entirely honest when I said the other day not much happening in the world of cats; Little Girl had not been well, but we did not really guess how ill until Sunday, really.

I picked her up, as I usually do at bedtime to take her into the kitchen. I picked her up and cradled her with her chest resting in my forearm. She panicked, badly. she could not breathe.

As we looked the next morning, we could see her breathing shallow and quickly and through her mouth. Not a good sign for a cat. Jools took her to the vet yesterday, and the prognosis was not good; an aggressive tumour causing water in her body cavity, pressing on her lungs and other organs.

Take her home, make her comfortable and bring her back tomorrow.

We did.

She was happy enough, although shattered and fell asleep with her face in the carpet again. I fed her this morning, and she ate well but collapsed again. I bid her farewell, and went to work.

Jools took her to the vets and after a while she fell asleep. And she was at peace.

And thats all I have to say about that.



forkboy said...

I'm always amazed at the spectacle of it all. One moment: life. The next: none.

I suppose it is, in part, impossible to fathom as we only ever know life. Living.

jelltex said...

We just treasure the time we had with her. and the other animals that shared our lives.