Thursday 30 August 2012

Thursday 30th August 2012

So the month rushes to an end, and it ends the same way as it begun; with a festival of od sport in East London. Last night the Paralympics began with another stunning opening ceremony. We didn’t watch it to be honest, we should have done I know. I heard there was a rocking version of Spasticus Autisticus played at one point. Ian Dury would be happy. We watched a documentary on the siege of Stalingrad. Shattering stuff as the Germans first ground the Russians into the dirt; and then once the weather turned the Red Army launched an offensive marooning the German forces. More Russians died in the siege that Britains and Americans combined died in the whole war.


I got back home from work last night, drew a deep breath and climbed the stairs to the spare room and did a session on the cross-trainer. And I did the full half an hour, which was good, and enjoyable. I do realise there is a long, long way ago, however, I have begun the journey.


I have been working from home today. No, that does not involve sitting in the garden in the sunshine drinking cocktails. Not today anyway. Anyway, there have been a series of downpours and thunderstorms sweeping in from the north, getting so dark I couldn’t see the keyboard of my work’s laptop. Oh wait a minute, theres a light thing to handle that; look: I said let there be light, I push the switch and there was, is, light. The think of everything.

Its the end of the world......

Being home means being bothered by the cats, one at a time, asking for; a stroke, food, another stroke, more food. You get the idea. It passes the day. And tomorrow is Friday and after that is the weekend; which is great, right? And we’re off to London to see the Paralympics.


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