Back at work after a three day weekend, which on the plus side means its just a four day week. So, once we had breakfast, I drop Jools off by B&Q so she could catch the bus, and I drive to Ramsgate in the fine sunshine. The wind is blowing a bit, so I don't feel like i'm losing any quality orchid time.

I called IT, and they looked at my problem, looked at the error message screenshot I took, and they did not know. So, anyway, now that I am in the office, like magic all the systems work and i get work done, even if the customer is lobbing grenades at me, so I lob ones of my own. Yeah, how'd you like them apples?

I finish work at four, and head out to collect Jools, but I do just have time to head to a local-ish bank to cast another eye over the Man Orchids. Many more spikes had come up, and those that had already been out had more flowers open. And no one else seems to know that they are there, or if they do they don't flatten the grass like i do. I get my shots before heading out to Canterbury to collect Jools.

Where Jools works is an old country estate, which just happens to have its own chapel, I am trying to get Jools to convince the owners to let me inside. We shall see. But as i wait for Jools to finish work, I am eyeing up the church.Oh yes.

Once home I head to the spare room for a session on the cross trainer, despite my best intentions over the weekend I did just one session, so I have some making up to do. I put on a selection of high tempo songs and pump, pump away.
Working from home, no IT works. And then an e mail arrives telling me how I can fix the issue. AND IT WORKED! Despite the fact I did not need it all day, but still. Nice to know it works, if required.
Time passes slowly, and as the day wears on the cats wake up and demand food/affection/stroking/whatever. I finish at four and head to the spare room again and do an extra ten minutes, and don't really enjoy it, but get it done.
we have tomatoes and mozzarella accompanied by two large garlic and cheese rolls i baked in the afternoon, made with some nice flour I spotted in the veg shop at the weekend. And washed down by a glass or two of red wine. Now that's living alright.
And so the evening came, Sunderland were playing WBA, and if Sunderland won then City would almost be certain to go down. That the neighbours support Sunderland, and i heard their cheers as both their first half goals went in before it showed up on the BBC website. I held my head in my hands. But, its not the end of the world, I am not football obsessed, and life will go on. If we beat Arsenal 10-0 and Sunderland lose by a similar score against Swansea, we would survive. Just. But that's a really tall order, and no very likely. And in the previous 37 games, City have not shown the inclination to play like a team at any point.
I go to bed pondering on the renewed battles with the Old enemy down the A140.
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