And on the 6th day the wind did blow and the rain did fall. We laid in bed, listening to the show going on outside. The cats complained about not being able to go outside. Or at least two of them did: MUlder just mouthed a meow, as he had become silent over the course of the week. We shall keep an eye, or an ear, on him. Or its the vet you you on Monday m'lad.
Croissants for breakfast, two cups of coffee. And we are ready to face the world, full of wind and rain as it is, and maybe take some photos. We drive to St Martin's Battery, but already the wind is less ferocious, the waves near the Admiralty Pier certainly not as large as 2013's St Jude's storm. We get out the car, I take come shots, we get muddy, more rain comes, we go back to the car.

From there we drive to Capel, for another look down at The Warren. It is blowy up there still, and it is all we can do to stand up and not be thrown off the cliffs. I take more shots before we are driven back to the car and the hot air blower to warm our bones. We have little else planned, so we go to visit my friend, Gary, who is recovering from an illness over the holidays. It is good to catch up, exchange news.

Back home for lunch, then Jools goes out to visit her Dad and I listen to the football on the radio. I'd hate for you think I might do something different. It is hard to get fired up about going out all weekend when you've spent the week away. But I promise this will not be the case once the orchid season begins!

Norwich were playing top of the table Bournemouth, and we have a new manager, Alex Neil, a 33 year old Scot, previously Hamilton's boss. A huge risk by City, but he has done well with no money north of the border. City fall a goal behind, then pull it back just before half time. In the 2nd we have Howson sent off, but score a screamer with ten minutes to go, and hang on for the win and three points. Maybe a turn of a corner, who knows. But we are just eight points off the top now, and full of hope: hope being the fan's biggest enemy.
We order pizza to be delivered, and big ones that mean we can have some cold tomorrow, if there is any left!
Outside, the skies clear, the stars come out, and I watch as a fox comes into the garden again and again, taking food away.
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