A day of anniversaries. Well, a few.
I have now been on Flickr for eight years now, over 28,000 photos uploaded, and many, many friends made, and so much inspiration found from there, despite Yahoo trying to mess the site up over the past couple of years. And some 5 years ago I was escorted from the shop floor of the box factory, feeling like I was some kind of criminal, although having done nothing wrong. Even after all the stuff I have done in the subsequent period, doing all the stuff I have done, it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth, even if it was all for the best in the long run. And all that and everything and that.

As the wind was going to blow, no point in going into the office at Ramsgate, so I settle down for a day working from home with the cats to keep me company, and so I can watch the rain run down the windows from my seat at the dining room table. The cats keep me entertained, and busy, with the rolling on the floor, playing, demanding food an attention. As is their way.
Outside the rain falls and the wind blows.
At four, I go upstairs for another session on the cross trainer, and puff my way though a half hour puffathon. Once I cool down, I peel the potatoes and boil the cubes ready for chorizo hash for dinner, and so wait for Jools to return from work.
The day peters put with us listening to the radio, and then watching a program about pension advice, as the government is de-regulating the industry: why could possibly go wrong with that, giving people access to their life savings pension pot to spend how they see fit?
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