Sunday, 17 June 2018

There will be no bonus

Last night it emerged that after over eight years of austerity, cuts and dreadful leadership from Jeremy Hunt, means that the 2018 NHS is in a parlous state compared to the healthy one it was in when Labour was voted out in 201o, that May was prepared to inject bucketfuls of cash from the old money tree in the garden at Number 10.

Brexit is already costing the UK economy more than the £350 million a week than the Brexiteers wrote on the side of that bus.

As more EU and non-EU citizens leave the UK as a result of xenophobia, concern at uncertainty over their future statues, lack of investment from outside the country, all this will more than offset any perceived savings from leaving the EU. Double tat down with the cost of setting up, from scratch, agencies and systems that up to now the EU has done for us, and yo quickly see we will be a very much poorer country.

Spending more on the NHS is welcome, but any improvement will be a decade before any effects are seen, as the cost of training doctors and nurses. So, a load of old bollocks on the front page of the Tory press, and no proof at all.

In the end any spending will have to be costed, more taxes for those that keep their jobs, or more cuts elsewhere.

As EU citizens leave, and the economy shrinks, tax revenues will drop. If the UK is to export to other countries rather than the EU, those that survive will be subject to "gravity", meaning as you trade further away, it gets more expensive and difficult. But I'm sure the Brexiteers have thought all of this and are not just promising more unicorns and sunlit uplands.

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