Thursday 30 June 2022

Wednesday 29th June 2022

After the exciting day and travel on Tuesday, Wednesday was always going to see more mundane.

However, there was a major windows update coming later in the day, so that was something to look forward to.

It was a cool and breezy day, not really a day for having the back door open. Jools went swimming at ten to six, leaving me to mess around for an hour before logging on for work.

My boss and clleague were out on the second day of a two day road trip to Germany, another was in France still on an audit whle Frank was on a beach somewhere in Greece.

The cats, once fed, went to their various beds and slept through the morning, and I had breakfast and a second coffee.

I completed the first draft of the audit report from last week in Holland, which took up the most of the morning.

And so to the big event, the windows update.

Not quite what I am making out, because when the house was renovated a few years ago, we had new windows put in, but some of the sealed units were not so sealed, and so having been looking and humidity all winter, we decided to get them replaced.

One hundred and eighty Before the holiday, a man came with a tape measure, to size up each window. And yesterday he and two ladies came to replace the units.

I thought it would take all day, but the truth is they banged out the trup, whipped each window out, put the new ones in, then moved onto the next window. So fast that in less than 50 minutes, they were done and walking back to their van.

Back in the house, the new and clean windows let in so much more light, so much so it seemed very odd. And washing up I was able to keep an eye on Scully stalking the birds on the feeders. Cleo and Poppy were very spooked by the noise and people walking through the house, so they escaped and did not return for a couple of hours, but they soon settled back down and were soon hungry.

Well, that was exciting.

And with that, I put away the work computer and got ready to cook dinner, which was dirty, dirty lamb burgers, the ones bought in Deal at the weekend. And very good they turned out to be. Would have been better had I bbq'd them, but I dry fried them and there were wonderful.

And that was it for the day. We listened to the radio, messed around online, and generally frittered our time away.

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