Tuesday 14 November 2023

Monday 13th November 2023

Our house, in the middle of our street.

Monday morning, or afternoon when I took this, the heavy rain having cleared to the west, leaving a clear sky in which the sun sank to the horizon.

Although things are fine here, there is a COVID outbreak in Denmark, and my boss and a colleague are both off sick.

I had three weeks automated messages from the travel expense robot to work though, though I understood little of its problems.

That took up a morning.

And all the while the wind blew and the fell. Cats slept and I tried to get ahead with work.

Not much of any import to report.

I went round to next door just before sunset to confirm next week's quiz night, which means on successive nights I will be

1. The quiz. 2. Slim Chance 3. Tom Waits tribute 4. Jools's and Dr Who's 60th birthday, which will be celebrated by a Chinese feast and Jen's/ 5. Travel to France for audits.


At the end of January, we are due to fly to Iceland to see the Northern Lights.


Only there's this volcano.

Underneath the hotel. And its gonna blow.


So, we wait on information from the Icelandic Government. We have paid the entire holiday, making the last payment last week.

Three hundred and seventeen Bugger.

We shall see.

Anyway. In the evening, Jools goes to aquafit, and I arse around doing next to nothing for two hours until she comes back with Burger King.

We eat, drink and go to bed.


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