Wednesday 8 November 2023

Tuesday 7th November 2023

Tuesday. And another day during which the sun would shine. Would shine once the sun rose sometime after six in the morning and the day warmed up.Tuesday. And another day during which the sun would shine. Would shine once the sun rose sometime after six in the morning and the day warmed up.

I had put the moth trap out, so shortly before work at seven, I went down to the bottom patio to check it, and found there were no moths, no anything caught over night.

Sometimes we learn as much on such occasions. In fact there are moths on the wing at this time of the year, just none around Chez Jelltex.

So back inside to make a coffee and get ready for the day. What delights would it offer?

Not much in fact

So much so, that by mid-morning, I decided to go for a walk, not far just to Fleet House and back, mainly because everywhere is mudbound off roads, the path across the field just about passable.

Three hundred and eleven I paused to look at the two Shetland ponies, only for a good looking male Common Darter landed on the fence post beside me, which I got twenty or so shots of before a cough alerted it to my presence, and it flew off.

Along Collingwood, missed by the farmer's thrashing machine, I came across a few wasps and other insects feeding on some fresh ivy flowers.

A swarmette of wasps And that was it.

Back home, it was warm enough in the sunshine to have the heating off and the back door open, if only for a while.

The afternoon passed into early evening, the sun set and darkness enveloped the house.

Dinner was warmed up ragu and pasta, which after an additional hour or two's cooking, was perfect, some pasta water added and mixed in meant the ragu stuck to the pasta just how it should do.


For the evening there was watching Ipswich in the League and listening to the Celtic game on the wireless whilst sitting next to Scully. Town drew 2-2and Celtic lost 6-0 in Spain.

There was quite some pain in Spain.

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