Monday 13 November 2023

The annual war on poppies

Info point: I served in the RAF for 15 years.

I am not calling for the cancellation of Remembrance Sunday, but is it me, has it all got out of hand?

Growing up, there was the festival of Remembrance, the parade in Whitehall on Sunday, poppy sellers. But I didn't recall the almost total demand that every sporting event in the two weeks leading up to the 11th there is a parade and a minute's silence.

That this is a part of who this country is, our culture?

We all served for many reasons, I served my country rather than the Queen, so I might be different from most, but I fought for our values, to be able to protest even if I don't agree with what you say, but I would defend your right to say it.

It is very odd indeed that a march calling for a ceasfire, literally an Armistice, in Gaze, was supposed to not take place over the Armistice weekend. Heck the march wasn't even near to Whithall.

For the then Home Secretary to describe that march as a "hate" march for calling for a ceasfire. But she went further, to call it to be against Britain's values, and not to cause trouble. In the end, her words fired up the right wing mob, who turned up in London to attack the Police she accused of not being strong enough, and to fight their way onto Whitehall. And it was against this mob that most of the 110 arrests came from.

Looking to arrest people forrying a plackard seems to be bordering on thought police territory.

Dozens of police were injured, locals and tourists scared and verbally attacked on the march and away from it, by those who claim to have been defending our country and standing up for our values. By attacking the police.

Braverman was sacked this morning. Maybe she has a plan, or is just plain stupid.

I will comment sensibly on Government policy when we have a sensible Government that has sensible policies. Sunak appointed Braverman 6 days after Truss sacked her from the same position, such an unforced error, easily avoided. If the PM was strong enough.

My Grandfather did not fight facists across Europe so that home grown ones could tell us how we should and should not act.

Last weeke The Mail ran a headline story of a poppy seller attacked by a pr0-Palistinian rally in Glasgow. Video evidence of the rally at the station showed no trouble. Remember, it was the Mail that ran a headline before the last war, "Hooray for the Blackshirts".

People, know your enemy.

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