At last a late start and so the chance to lie in bed just listening to the radio burble. One of life's many pleasures. Jools had a bead class at eleven and I had another appointment with a Bulleid light pacific at lunchtime, so hey ho, off we go in our little Polo.

I drop Jools off in Folkestone, and head along the A20 to check out a couple of churches which I spotted a couple of weeks ago. The first one was locked, but at Smeeth, after finding a place to park, I found the main door in the timber-framed porch open and so I went in. First thing I noticed was one of the windows, modern stained and full of butterflies. It looked stunning.

I looked at my watch and decided it was time to head to Charing, which after my experience with my view being blocked lat week was on a much quieter line, so there should be no danger of that happening. Turns out i had cut it rather fine, as I walked onto the station there was an announcement that the next train wasn't going to stop, which gave me just enough time to get over the bridge, check out my camera settings before Tangmere hoved into view, and with a road and in a cloud of smoke and steam left again.

I set out to pick Jools up again from Folkestone so we could head home for lunch and me to check on my shots. I had enough time before she was due to pass by us at Martin Mill so I could snap her one more time. So just after four we head down to the bridge at Guston to see her round the bend at Martin Mill and power up the bank towards us. She was right on time, and made a fine sight, though with little smoke as she approached us. I got many shots off.
Jools went out for fish and chips for dinner, then we sat down to watch a fine documentary on the excavation of Richard III's remains from a car park in Leicester. Not a bad day all in all.
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