Back to work at the office in Ramsgate. I didn't feel like it, but you know, it pays the bills. It seems odd not travelling, and more like being on holiday than working to be honest, especially when I stay home to work. Things will be getting very hectic from now on, and so there will be very little time for fun and I am guessing that work is going to be stressful with a capital FUCK. Anyway, that is for tomorrow and maybe in July, the the worries are gathering about how this will turn out, and whether i should start doing the lottery once more so I can get the heck off this crazy treadmill we call work.

Despite the stiff breeze, it was sunny, so after work I headed to Monkton Nature Reserve to see what was growing as I had heard they might have orchids. It is only a short drive down Thanet Way, and I paid by three quid and had a wander spotting a Marsh Orchid, although I needed to phone a friend for identification. I also spotted a grass snake swimming on a pond, and tried to get a clear shot, but that would have meant changing lenses and I might have lost sight of it. So I made do with some distant shots. I watched a male Broad Bodied Chaser fly round the pond for ages, but it never settled and so decided to leave without the shot I had wanted. Always another time....

One thing about being away is not having to do the weekly shop, so after a break of a month I found my way in Tesco, and as usual lost patience after about ten minutes, threw some stuff in the trolley and headed for the check outs.

And working from home. And I got stuff done, including what seemed like a two week conference call on the state of the NCRs on the project. It went on and on and on. At least the afternoon was made bearable by being able to listen to Kermode and Mayo on radio 5 as they discussed the week's movie releases. At four I turned the laptop and phone off switched to Lammo's last show of the week on Radio 6 and danced around the living room to celebrate the weekend.

At least it keeps me off the streets.
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