It has to be said, working from home is one of the pleasures in life. What with the lying in bed until half six, listening to the news on the radio, Jools bringing me a large cup of fresh coffee. To the actual work, checking mails and messages whilst at the dining room table, whilst being bothered by the cats looking for food/attention/whatever. Jools returned home at dinner time, we ate, we talked, I packed for the morning when I would commute to Denmark.
Then we knocked a wall down.
As you do on a Monday evening.
On Saturday, Jools’ nephew and a mate will come to build a new wall, we had to know the old one down. However, to do this we needed a skip I nto which we could put the rubble, and then the new bricks, cement and ‘fur’ with which George will buld the new wall with. So, alongside work, we had a skip delivered and then the building stuff. All exciting stuff for the neighbours who had no idea what was going on, only that a skip now takes up one of the parking spaces and Jools and I were apparently digging tranches.
We knocked the old wall down, then Jools, myself and Bob our elderly neighbour opposite put the rubble in the skip then had beer to celebrate the fact we had dealt with the rubble. There really is nothing quite like wielding a 15lb lumphammer in the wanton destruction of a garden wall. Yay, us!
Tuesday 25th June.
I woke with a bad back: only to be inspected after the night the wall came down. I finished packing, Jools dropped me off at the station and I began my commute to Denmark. Nothing out of the usual happened: I had good views over London and took some shots and on the flight read and finished the train porn magazine.

I got off the plane, checked my pockets only to find I had lost my passport.
I found it in with the sick bag in the pocket of my seat, so I went through immigration, picked up the keys for my hire car and set out to find it.

I drove to Esbjerg, did the four hours work then headed to the Britannia to check in and sleep. I went to the hotel restaurant for dinner, and indication as to how tired I was. I had a burger and a beer before heading off to bed. Apparently, it is college graduation this week, with bars open to five in the morning which explains the noise until the wee small hours today.
Wednesday 26th June
The elephant in the room is that I have been offered another job.
There, I said it. In plain words. I got a message through Linkedin, did I want to connect with so-and-so. So I did, next thing she was asking all these questions. We talked over the phone, and in the end I was offered this job in that there London for more money than I’m on now. But with more responsibility, less time to call my own and all that shit.
I have until Friday to decide.
My God.
We shall see how that turns out……
Wednesday it has been dealing with Mum’s shit, mainly her cat, And whether we should just goup and and take it as her ‘friend’, Pat, is fed up with the task. We are setting a Sunday deadline with Mum otherwise we kidnap the wall-eyed-cat.
Tonight I ad dinner at the Dronning Louise: nachos and beer; two of the main food groups right there. And then went to Paddy Go Easy and watched the first half of the Brasil game, I could have watced it all, byt my liver was compaining…..
Tomorrow, I ask my boss for a raise and tell him of the job offer if the pay rise don’t work….
It seems that God has decided, well, he has not decided as I’m pretty certain he does not exist, anyway, he has decided that Denmark must drown. And so since Wednesday the rain has fallen, only stopping to tease us into thinking that summer might have arrived only for more dark clouds to scamper over and dump more rain. And it has been cold.
Another day in the office, checking data, rechecking data. You get the idea. Steffen took me out for lunch, at a grill bar which is an excuse to get out of the office and stretch our legs.
That evening, still not hungry after that rather large lunch, I head to Dronning Louise for a snack of nachos and beer whilst trying to understand the ticker on the Dansih new channel on the TV above the bar. All I could gather was there was a big story breaking, and a reporter looking serious outside a building. Oh well. I head to Paddy Go Easy and order a beer. On the TV they are gearing up for the Brazil Uruguay game. I get sucked in, and have a second beer which takes me to half time. Do I have another beer and stay to the end, or make a break for my hotel room? IN a surprise move, I head back to the hotel and fall asleep watching the 2nd half on my bed.
The rain falls. This week it is student graduation week, which means bars and clubs stay open until the morning. So, there has been shouting, singing in the town square outside my hotel window. So, the one good thing about the rain is that it clearly dampens their spirits and so keeps the noise down to acceptable amounts.
Thursday is my change to wreak revenge on all those powerpoint presentations that I have to sit through down the years, in that I had to give a 6 hour training session. We have plenty of breaks and coffee and I think we all manage to say awake. I escape at half five having caught up on my mails, and return to the hotel to lay on the bed and listen to the radio.
I call Jools and now arrangements are in place for adopting mum’s cat, Bowie. He has a wall eye, and is a wonderful cat, and clearly Mum cannot look after him any more. So on Sunday we will drive up from London to deepest Suffolk to collect him. I guess it will also mean having to visit the patient in the hospital. We shall see.
I meet up with my boss for dinner at half seven. We head to Bones as I have not had ribs this week. And they are a wonderful as ever. As I walk back to the hotel, it means I am not tempted to head to Paddy’s or use the hotel bar, and so am back in my room so I can watch the Spain v Italy game. Turns out to be mosty a yawn-fest, and drags on through two half of possession football into extra time and then penalties. At twenty five past eleven Spain scored the winning penalty and I switched the TV off and dropped off straight to sleep.
The rain is still falling outside. I took a couple of pictures through my hotel window to record the fact and turn out to be the first shots I have taken since landing on Tuesday. I pack, go down to reception and check out. One last drive to the office and a whole day of data analysis to be done in six hours. *Sigh*
You can't leave us in suspense, are you taking the new job or staying?
You will have to wait until the next exciting episode........
It WAS an exciting episode, I'll give you that.(and thanks for keeping my night shifts interesting.)
And coming up soon, a new cat for Chez Jelltex, more steam trains and York again!
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