Since rejoining Facebook, I have enjoyed connecting with some of my old friends, and I also am getting notice of more local events. One of my friends from Flickr is also a published author, and has is due to launch another new book this month on the history of Dover. So, after making note of the time of the event, Jools and I headed into town to do some chores, then she would head off to Folkestone for a class.

I got some fruit and veg, bought a magazine, and at 11 headed to the library only to find no one aware of the event: no posters or notices. How odd. I look at the Facebook event and the time was right, the location was right, only I was a week early! Oh dear.

So, Jools would not be back for at least two hours, what to do with my time in Dover? I had planned to visit the new micropub, The Rack of Ale, but that did not open until twelve: what better than to visit another pub before? I went into the Eight Bells for a swifter. I managed to make it last 45 minutes by sipping and reading Uncut.

At twelve I walk up to Maison Dieu and to the Rack of Ale and settle in for a nice sociable pint or two.

Or three.
It was like being in someone’s living room. The went out to the tap room to bring you a pint, and just chatted away. It was all very nice. The beer was good, but on top of the pint of Christmas Ale I had had in the Bells meant my head was swimming. After sampling the three ales on offer by selecting a sampler rack of three thirds of a pint of each. After than I stuck with the mild after that. After my second pint, there was no sign of Jools so I ordered another pint.

Jools arrived at just before two to rescue me from the curse of beer, and we went home for a late lunch of game pie. And then the long struggle to stay awake whilst the footy was on the radio. That Norwich took an early lead against WBA meant that I was on tenderhooks all through the game as our season seemed to be changing before my ears. And a minute before time, Leroy Fer scored a second to secure the three points and turn the weekend very upbeat. Or more upbeat than it was after four pints!
I woke up after 11 hours sleep, feeling all woolly headed, but the best thing to clear that would be a nice pot of fresh coffee and a couple of warm croissants. That sorted, I sat down to watch MOTD, this time not having to hide behind the sofa when City came on as we rode our luck in cruising to a 2-0 win at The Hawthorns. Man Utd lost, as so did Chelsea, so what’s not to like?
At ten my friend gary arrived to take me out, as we had a hot date with some birds.
And Hawks.
We drove to Manston and then onto Quex Park to meet the organiser. At twenty quid for nearly four hours it was a wonderful bargain, and as we walked into their enclosure, about a dozen raptors were on their perches shrieking and screaming. It was all rather wonderful.

After about an hour of getting close up shots, we headed out to the wood and fields to see the birds flying and try to get some shots. Out in the fields the strong breeze made flying the hawks tricky, and I got very few shots. After that we went into the woods getting the hawks and owls to fly down a path so we would have a better chance of getting shots.

It was all rather wonderful to be honest, hawks, barn owl, snowy owl and an Eagle Owl all flew, and we got plenty of chances to get shots. My camera battery had just about been emptied and I had 1100 shots to plough through.

Gary took me home and the sorting and editing began.
I cooked roast chicken for dinner, and somehow the day was slipping through our fingers. It grew dark outside, the football drew to a close and the weekend was coming to an end. Where does the time go?
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