So, three years after the last time I got to play with bandages, it was time to re-do my first aid certificate. what this means is two days off work, a late start in Folkestone at nine, but at the the same time heading out into what counts as rush hour here in East Kent.
Leaving at eight means joining the jam on the Deal Road as it approaches the Duke of York roundabout. In reality its not that bad, and after a delay of a couple of minutes I was heading for the Alkham Valley and what I hoped was the quick short cut way to Folkestone.

Once at the venue, the Best Western hotel on The Leas, I find that Folkestone council have tightened the parking regulations up, and it is impossible to park for any more than three hours. I go up The Leas and both mornings find a place within two minutes walk away. Thus saving three pounds in charges and a hundred in over-charges.
Bleeds, burns, fainting, chest pains, more bleeding, breaks, amputations and so one. And repeat for two days.
There were eight of us on the course, and we came from a mixed background, but overall it was enjoyable. Although by Friday afternoon the novelty had worn off and I was clock-watching. At least there was no practical exam this time, but we had to cope with about a dozen scenarios able to assess multiple injuries and prioritise them, treating the most serious first.
Friday night I went down to The Coastguard in The Bay to meet a Flickr friend for a chat and drink. I have been friends with Paul for a good couple of years and yet we never met. It is the modern way, it seems. We knew so much about each other through our photographs.
Ian, looking forward to our own "Paul" moment! I hope you'll be able to introduce me to Peter B. in Whitstable too.
Me too, Tony. And sure Peter will come down to say hello and share a beer, or non-alcoholic beverage!
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