Not it really was Saturday, with football and all that shit. And the shops were open! Yay, shopping!
We had been putting of food shopping for some days, but now we were out of cat food and a few other things, so better get it over with sooner rather than later. We rushed round, got our stuff and got out before it got too busy.
I say this only because we really needed a new lamp for the dining room table. The one we have had a wiring fault, which I fixed, but it really was a bodge. And then one of the shades cracked in half, caused by some other fault, and so we really needed to get rid of it. So, we looked online, expecting to find a local lighting shop, I mean most towns used to have them, right? But the nearest was in Canterbury, which at eleven could be an interesting experience with the traffic.
Instead of the one we got the last one from in Palace Street, we saw there was one out near Wincheap, which could mean missing the worst of the traffic and the crowds in the centre of town. Worth a try! So, we drove to Canterbury, found the shop and a free parking space right outside, which was a stroke of luck. And we both agreed on one heavily reduced lamp for under sixty quid, we checked it worked and paid for it.
so instead of heading back down the A2 I took us down the Ashford road, alongside the flooded River Stour.

Where we going, Jools asked. Not that she was bothered, but when I said we were going to look for Eastwell, she kinda rolled her eyes, or I could have imagined it.
I thought I remembered the way fro the map, but it was clear that I was a little lost, I pulled over to check the map. There should be a turning just along here I said, more in hope.

And there was; and as soon as we turned down the lane, I could see the tower through the trees.
St Mary sits beside a lake, and is almost too perfect. As we crossed over a small bridge we could see a thin mist rising from the lake. The road was just about passable after the recent rain, so we made it to the gates of Eastwell Park and the church.

I snapped it from all angles, happy with what I got a promise to return when the surrounding area is not a swap to explore the surrounds and lake. At the end of the lane, I turned right and headed to Westwell, where there was another church.
And another St Mary's.
Situated in the centre of the village, it was an unusual church for Kent; a square tower with a short spire. But, as is the way for me, it was locked and no details of how to get the key. so I got shots all around the outside and went back to the car so we could head back to Dover for lunch.
And so to settle down on the sofa to listen to City take on Man You on the radio. And, well, after dominating play in the first half, as seems the way we slipped to be ever more defensive in the second until Utd scored the inevitable winner. CH spoke about commitment and passion, but Chris, they will only take you so far, and commitment along will not win football matches. Goals do.
So, another evening ruined and means I have to dodge MOTD again. Grrrr.
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