Saturday 28 December 2013

Saturday 28th December 2013


One of those nondescript days between Christmas and New Year. I wish I could say something better about it than that, the kind of day you long for in the spring or summer when you have to go to work and there are churches/butterflies/orchids just crying out to be sought out. In a bid to stretch out the excitement, we postponed the trip to Tesco until Saturday as we had enough food....

The wind did blow again, not not as strongly as just before Christmas, so we watched as the raindrops ran down the window. As you do....

In the morning we did chores, then we both did a session on the cross-trainer. Oh yes we did! I stepped it up a bit and did half an hour, which was not too bad, and then I cooked bacon butties for lunch which undid all the good work that the cross-trainer has done. Or not.

In the afternoon Jools went out to see Nan and pick up more of her old paperwork from the house of silence. Nan was feeling better, issuing orders left, right and centre. That might be harsh, but as she has so much thinking time it is to be expected I suppose. We hope that these list of orders will get smaller as the days and weeks go by... The home is not perfect, despite the rates charged, there are staff shortages, and patients can be left for long periods. Its hard to know what to do as there really are no alternatives that have spaces. And the number of alternatives are so small, just three other such places in town.

Whilst Jools was out, I took to the sofa to take in the final Wittertainment of the year. A best/worst of, always good for a listen, even if I did struggle to keep my eyes open.

In the evening we watched Austin Powers, as jools had not seen it before. And I keep quoting lines from it. It wasn't as funny as I remember, but it raised a few smiles.

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