Although we did feel better. Or I did, as Jools seemed to be 8 hours behind me in symptoms, therefore, she was still visiting frequently. We had a brew, and wondered if we should try breakfast. In the end we decided we should, and so I grilled some bacon for butties, and they soon smelled good. That done, I settled down to watch MOTD, as per normal, before we pondered what to do.

It was Nan's 100th birthday, so we knew what we would be doing in the afternoon, but in the end whiled away the morning doing nothing, making the occasional drink and doing more general relaxing.

At half one the afternoon's games began, with Man Utd playing at Leicester. All was going well by the time it was time to leave, with Utd 3-1 to the good and all set for 3 points.

At Dad's, the world and his wife was there, as well as the photographer from the local rag. His duties done, he does a runner, and so all mingle, and when the cake is paraded in, we all join in a chorus of happy birthday, and she's a jolly good fellow and finally raise a glass of cava to toast the old girl It is all too much for Tony who has to rush out a couple of times with tears in his eyes, which then sets Nan off too. It all gets too much after a couple of hours, and Nan asks to be taken back to the home for a snooze. She did well.
She got cards from the Queen as well as Ian Duncan Smith, maybe he was checking to see if she was fit for work.

We all take our leave to, only as we were leaving we heard that Man Utd had thrown away the two goal lead to lose 5-3.. Well I never, still, got to laugh and all that. My Facebook stream was silent from all the mouthy Utd fans who saw the game as the start of a fine new golden dawn, rather than the same old story as before.
Back home I cooked roast beef and all the trimming and all that and everything. So at seven we sat down to a right old plateful, which was a mountain of food really. But we had not eaten since breakfast, and so we thought we deserved it. It was all too much, and so the badgers got a bowlful of roast spuds, beef trimings and gravy-coated cauliflower. All of which they ate during the night.

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