Warning: it is not Thursday.
Except where it is, like Australia and New Zealand. And other places in the extreme east. Or west.
But I digress. I am writing this a day early, because i am on my travels tomorrow, heading back to the old country of Norfolk to visit a couple of friends and to take some photos. In fact I should have gone today, but decided I would rather have a day lazing around the house, as it would appear I have to head out on my travels with work back to DK next week. Like I was never away, eh?
So, I drop Jools off at work, as there is a milk crisis in the house, in that we don't have much left, especially with three thirsty builders to keep in tea, so I head to Tesco for some supplies and I end up getting the ingredients for another Christmas cake, a bottle of gin for sloe gin, and tolls and donuts for the boys as well as they have been working so hard.
That done, I arrive home to find the builders already here and demanding tea. I have to make the cake first I tells em, as it takes four and a half hours to cook. So, I mix, beat and stir in all the ingredients and pop it in the tin, sprinkle with almonds and in the oven with it. I then boil the kettle for the first and not the last time. I think I make at least a cuppa for them every hour. But they are happy. Happier still when I make them ham rolls for lunch and then present them with the donuts. How nice I am.

I do head out for a haircut just before lunch, and find Alan in a mellow mood, and end up talking to him for an hour about photography. But I am worrying about the cake in the oven!
Back home I prick the sloes and then mix with the bottle of gin I bought, shake well and all is done with that. How busy I am.
Outside the lads crack on preparing the walls for more of the final coating which is to be applied tomorrow (thursday) while I listen to the radio, watch some videos on You Tube and generally waste the day away. As you do.
It is time to collect Jools, and as we drive home along Reach Road, the rain earlier has cleared the atmosphere, and the view across the channel is amazingly clear. The cliffs of Cap Griz Nez look only a few miles away, and once again the buildings in Calais can be seen clearly. That's another country I say. And indeed it is.
The lads finish for the day, and all is quiet as I try a recipe for smoked garlic mashed poatoes served with the last of the wild garlic sausages. No danger of vampires at Chez Jelltex tonight.
I am packed and ready to go, which is nice.
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