And the weekend is nearly here. from the bathroom window, I survey the valley behind the house, the farmer is already working away, amber lights flashing in his tractor has he moves bales of hay about, and above, the quarter full crescent moon casts a pale silver light on the scene, whilst beside it, the planets are strung out in a long line. Its gonna be a fine day.

I set off, wearing just my raincoat, as I would be walking with a tail wind, I thought it would not be cold. Across the fields to the butterfly glade, past the pig's copse and down the dip to the quagmire at the bottom. I pick my way round the mud and up the steep track the other side. Already the light is turning golden as the sun sinks, casting wonderful light and long shadows on the land.

I call Jools to let her know the change of plan, then after getting one shot at the cliffs looking north towards Deal, I turned round and headed for home. And walking into the strong breeze was chilly, but I pressed on, not wanting the house to be burgled before I got home. I did pause to snap some of the scenes as the sun neared the horizon, and it was just before sunset when I arrived home, and there in the back door was still the key.
I make a coffee and review my shots. If nothing else, they and the light captured made the walk well worth while.
Jools brings home fish and chips for dinner: I make a cuppa. The world is fine, it is the weekend after all. Jools watches last weeks Dr Who on the i player, then I watch the cup game on TV. Molly sits with me, purring gently, as the way things should be. It has been 6 years since we lost Sulu, I read my blogs late in the afternoon, and the memory of fining his body under our bed is fresh and raw as ever. We only had the old fella in or lives for a short time, but he was a happy cat, very much like Mulder, really. And we still miss him.
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