And finally the sun did shine from a clear blue sky. And for a change, being on holiday, we sleep until quarter to seven when the heating switches on. There is a Scully cat asleep between my feet, she purrs on and off through the night, whilst her brother checks from time to time as to whether we would like to feed him. It wouldn't be so bad, if once he is fed, he ate it all, but just a few mouthfulls and he is happy. Until he hears another cat eating that is of course.

We get up, then realise that we have to get to Tesco for the festive shopping, and it will be best to get that chore out of the way as soon as possible. We get dressed, gather our shopping bags and set out for the shop. The car park was already full, but we find a space and go inside, where the people seem to have their hunter-gatherer heads on, and are in a mean mood. Apart from those who go to Tesco to meet with others and talk in groups blocking aisles of course. We don't need much stuff, and are out again in 20 minutes and driving home.

I make bacon butties and a brew, before we decide that we should go for a walk. Somewhere. As much as we like our neighbourhood, it is muddy and gets a bit samey, so we drive to Folkestone, park near the Martello Tower.
In the next car to us, a group of three young surfers are changing into wet suits, then grabbing their boards and running down the steps to the promenade agile like mountain goats. We were that young once! Down on the prom it is high tide, and waves crash against the vaulted structure, with sprey coming at us from both sides. We decide to take a break and just watch nature at play, as the waves crashed than then were deflected high into the air. Out in the water, the surfers are trying to stand up on their boards, but not doing too well, but they seem to be enjoying it. Young families are out, children running around under the sea spray laughing.

The harbour is full of water for a change, so all the boats are floating. And there are plenty of folks about here too, although not many shops open, although the seafood place is, if you fancy some cockles or winkles for breakfast. We walk up the Old High Street, looking for a place to have coffee, but some are closed, and those that are open are packed. The main shopping area is manic, but it is good to stand to one side and just watch people go about their business.

Walking back down we find a coffee place with some space, so we go in and sitting at a tiny table, we order coffee and a slice of triple-layered carrot and pecan sponge. It is gloroius, and a huge portion. So large we don't have anything for lunch when we get back. A few doors down from the cafe, I get my hair cut at a new place that has opened. That the barber was young enough to be my grandson is one thing, but he did OK, and we chatted about the area and history. He was one of them urban explorers, and turned out we have a few common friends.

We drive back home up the A20; traffic is light, even on the 23rd of December. Maybe people are already where they want to be for the festivities? Maybe not.
At the end of our street, the wner of the corner house planted a load of bulbs a couple of years back, and last winter the first flowers we in bloom before the end of January. This winter, the forst two spikes bloomed on December 23rd, I was so impressed I went to take a photo. So, Merry Christmas, Happy Easter.

Back home we have a brew, then settle down for some Hobbit action, through the rest of the day we get through three disc of the LOTR films, and reach the end of The Two Towers. For dinner I cook dirty food; kebabs and chips, and it is wonderfully bad for us. Always the way.
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