I woke at just before seven when the alarm went off, so went to down to breakfast to meet with Henrik to talk some more, but also to have something to eat. It might just be a Holiday Inn, but the food is wonderful, and the breakfast buffet extensive, I have fruit and a couple of fresh rolls, and between us we drink two pots of coffee.
After freshening up, we meet in the car park for the drive to the factory, out of Lubeck, out towards the harbour and coast. Down under the river through a tunnel, up the other side then along a plain piece of dial carriageway, before turning off into an industrial estate to the factory.
And here we are again, or here I am again, just under a year since I was last here. Meeting up with old colleagues, friends really, and waiting to bring a new customer to visit. And so the dance begins again: give a little, take a little. and we do it all again and again.

The customer arrives, we dance, we talk and dance again. We break for lunch, dance some more, and then it is over. My two colleagues are leaving to drive back to Denmark, the customer's representatives head back to their country, and so I am left alone. I drive back to the hotel, having to do some work as the mails have been piling up. But after just 20 minutes the wifi fails and I can do nothing. I decide to go out to stretch my legs, with my camera to see what I can find to snap.

The hotel is beside the main entrance into the old town, through the old Bugtor, then along cobbled streets to the main square, lined by an old hospital and a large Gothic church. And many old merchant's houses. In the sqaure a small fair had set up, the ferris wheel rising into the darkening sky, and all around it there are stalls selling candy, mulled wine and various types of large sausages. The scent in the air, as the smells from the stalls mixes is heady and rather wonderful. Despite having had curry wurst for lunch a couple of hours earlier, I was feeling hungry.

Up the main street, it was thronged with people and yet more stalls selling the same things as by the ferris wheel. I get some money out of the bank so I can have a cup of gluhwein, I stand looking at the smiling crowds, milling about, eating, drinking and smoking. It is all rather wonderful. In other squares there are yet more stalls and huts selling yet more mulled wine, candy, sausages and beer and toys.

I walk to another one of the city gates and see another market alongside the river. Santa Clause is there, dressed in gold and green, checking his list, making children laugh with glee. I walk up to St Peter's, where there is another market but I am all marketed out. I am fed up with the crowds, even a good natured one. I walk back to the main square, night had fallen completely now, the crowds had not lessened, but I have had enough.

Back at the hotel I have a beer, then go for dinner.The restaurant is packed, I guess many have come for the market. I order the set meu, mushroom soup and then venison goulash to follow. Everyone seems to be in good spirits, eating and drinking. I watch the other tables, a mix of old and young. The staff work hard, but most people seem happy enough to wait for their food as long as they have something to drink.
I would love to have stayed longer, but I have to be up at four in the next morning for the drive to the airport. Anyway, the wifi failed again, so I decide to call it a night, and am soon in a deep sleep. One final trip home this year...
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