Thursday 31 March 2016

Thursday 31st March 2016


I suppose we should take solace in the fact that it is just a four day week this week. However, I never try to be that productive if I can help it. Another day working from home, and Jools driving off to Hythe to tackle the forces of darkness that is purchasing. I am happy to stay in quality, happy that although I don't know anything about anyone else's job, I can tell them they are doing it wrong. Hoorah for the ISO standard, then.

Once we had had coffee and breakfast, Jools went off and I had some fruit, cereal and another coffee. The cats all went to bed, leaving me and the space on the table where the work laptop should go. At just before eight, I slapped myself about the face and switched it on. Ando so came the usual pattern of the working day; mails, documents, responding, making coffee or tea.

Spring colour When I make a drink, I do go out to the back garden for a wander, breathing in deeply the scent of the blooming hyacinths, which is every bit as glorious and sensuous as it sounds. Oh my word, the very air seemed heavy with the right smell.

The storm had bent several of the Fritillaria imperialis over, so I cut several lengths of bamboo and fashioned supports for each of the leaning plants. In other beds, yet more of them were showing through the soil, meaning up to this point, just two of the bulbs have yet to germinate. Not a bad hit rate, considering some of the bulbs have put forth two shoots, so we have even more shoots for our money.

Fritillaria meleagris Jools and I had planned to go for a walk once she got back home, but as on Tuesday, the sky clouded over in the afternoon and it turned downright chilly. And we were both hungry by the time she got back home. Now, a few days ago I had a dream about having a desert called Jam Roly Poly; a sort of Swiss Roll with custard. Now, I wish I could say that I made the roly poly myself, but on Monday when we called in at Tesco for some bits and bobs, I found some ready made roly poly, and Cornish Custard. It seemed kismet, so we bought both, and warmed them through for dinner, and let me say now, it was glorious. Although, the roll was not made with suet, but still, with lashings of jam and creamy vanilla custard, it were great.

Molly Next time it might be treacle pudding and custard.

With a belly full of poly and custard, a session on the cross trainer seemed out, so we settled instead for some astro-physics and a program on dark matter and relativity. And why not? At least it wasn't football. And the upshit is, that mankind knows less than it likes to admit to. I have no shame in admitting such things, however.

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