Friday 11 March 2016

Tuesday 8th March 2016


And here we are again, as I seem to say every week, I mean after a weekend in which we achieved not much, but took all week to get it done. However, we did quite a bit, took some shots, ate ice cream and all the rest.

But, Monday came round, unlike at the weekend, we lay in bed a good ten minutes after the alarm had gone off, out on to snooze, gone off again. Jools made the first move, getting up, feeding the cats, making coffee, making her snap. I get up, the cats are fed, washing themselves, looking happy, now ready to go back to bed.

Jools is ready for work, she lingers another 5 minutes just to string the weekend out another 5 minutes, but then leaves. I go into the kitchen, find the strong white flour, the yeast, sugar and salt, run 300ml of warm water and knead some dough for ten minutes before letting it rise on the worktop near the south-facing window and above the radiator. I will have fresh bread by lunchtime.

At eight, I put the computer on and get down to work. It is a good morning, lots to do, and different stuff so to keep me engaged. I make some rolls before my main meeting, letting them rise in the hot air the meeting creates. HA! Then as soon as it is finished, pop half the batch in the oven to bake.

Man, I am so hungry, I have one as soon as it comes out of the oven, split in half covered in melted butter. And two more soon after with another huge brew, with the last of last week’s ham for me lunch. I put the second batch in as I eat the first, then the next two, finish my brew, write some mails, listen to the radio before realizing the second back are still cooking, or getting well towards buggered if truth be known. Not quite King Alfred’s Cakes, but close.

The afternoon passes. It clouds over outside, and some light snow falls. I had checked the ponds for frogs earlier that day, and there were none. And some of the plants still seemed to be alive. Which was nice.

I cooked breaded chicken and some flavoured wheat stuff and frozen peas and corn. It was very nice, especially with a bottle of Danish coffee flavoured beer. As you do.

We manage to watch another edition of The X Files, but in truth we were shattered, we struggle on to nearly nine, I had packed, checked my documents, so we were both ready for the morning.

Bed at nine, asleep by quarter past, and two cats asleep on our feet.

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