Monday 1 May 2023

Sunday 30th April 2023

Last day of the month.

And we're home.

As stressful as the day before we left was, what with operation cat round up and all that, when we come home, there is the joy of collecting the cats from the cattery and bringing them home while they sing with joy.

Back in our home and in our beds, we sleep well, it is cooler too, so much so windows have to be closed to keep out the chill during the night.

We were up at seven, have coffee and fruit, then wait for the clock to tick to nine in the morning, when I can go to collect the cats.

The cattery is just the other side of Whitfield, so not far, and I am greeted by the owner who tells me that after 24 hours of not eating, they have settled down well. IN even better news, all four recognise me, and even Poppy seems pleased to see me as she looked out of her little hours, eyes not dilated.

We round them up, put them in a box each, finally collect their blankets and beds, and take them to the car.

Its just a ten minute drove back, and the cats all sing to me. And once back in St Maggies, I let them out on the street and so they can find their way the last few yards home. Poppy just meows and looks confused before going into Bev and Steve's garden, Cleo goes down the path, inside for a minute then is gone, wile Mulder and Scully amble down the drive and ask for breakfast.

One hundred and twenty We had agreed to give them just dry food until five when normal service would be resumed.

The rest of the day was really us doing chores and catching up on washing, or whatever, and being shadowed by at least two cats. I eve had Poppy follow my as I worked in the garden, where she started on the car roof, then onto the car port before following me into the garden via Mick and Kay's shed roof. And as before, the normally mute Poppy meowed loudly all the time she was up on the roof.

Apparently, it was a Sunday, which meant football. Although first, we went to see Jen to try to fix her phone line.

Se is well, though the leaking ceiling in the dining room is being repaired, the ceiling itself is gone, and the roof to be repaired and a new skylight to be fitted. Which all means no cards for the time being. We could not fix her phone, a software error, I guess. But it seems there was a cable disconnected.

Or something.

Back home for the football and the cats, where we were watched with sharp eyes until it was founr and they were fed.

Then they went to bed.

So, we ended the day with all washing down, and put away, cats happy, and us home. On top of which, Monday is a Bank Holiday so no work until Tuesday, and that's another four day week.

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